Monday, January 14, 2013


today, i worked at starbucks. i meant to wake up early and have a few minutes with the Lord before i began my day, but you know how that goes when 5 extra minutes in bed feels like 5 extra hours. good thing His grace is sufficient, even when i want to sleep in. :) however, tomorrow (or i guess today) i am going to set my alarm for an extra hour to spend with Him. but, i am thinking He is going to wake me up before my alarm goes off.

you know those times when you are so in love, and you know the next day you have plans to get breakfast with the guy (or girl) you are smitten with? don't you ALWAYS wake up at least 5 minutes before your alarm clock goes off? if you can barely sleep at all?

that is kind of how i am feeling right now. i honestly can't wait to spend some sweet precious time with him tomorrow on my porch swing, and drench myself in His Love.

but anyway, after work today i decided to go on a bike ride. it was around 4ish i believe and it was BEAUTIFUL outside. i got my work-out clothes on, did some stretches, got my iPhone, turned on my "21 minute live workout station" on Pandora, and headed out on my favorite orange road bike.

about 2 1/2 minutes later, i pulled over on the side of the road and said, "WHAT IS THIS CRAP I AM LISTENING TO? do i really think i need something like Ke$ha to pump me up for a bike ride? helllllll no. i'm turning on some Jesus Culture." then i prayed, 'Lord, please use this station to pump me up. i am going off of my adderall, so trying to keep up the pace with Chris Tomlin and Hillsong may not cut it. so please, help me.'

i made it to the beach in record timing and plopped myself down on the sand. i carried my bike onto the sand (because i forgot my lock at home and aint no way no how someone is going to steal my bike.) and i ended up laying in the sun. i honestly could not get over how beautiful the sunset was. creation completely overwhelms me.

i always start thinking, the God who created all of this, created me too? He looks at me in even more awe than i look at a sunset. a THOUSAND times more in awe. He looks on me with love and says, "you are MINE."

so i started back on my bike and the song came on, "Amazed" by Desperation Band.

the lyrics go,

"You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound

Lord I’m amazed by You
Lord I’m amazed by You
Lord I’m amazed by You
How You love me

How wide
How deep
How great
Is Your love for me"

super super simple song.  but man. listening to it when you are already in awe of Him, mind you...the Creator of the Universe, DANCES over you. He SINGS over you. no matter what you have done. no matter what you are going to do. no matter how completely off track you are, whether you read your bible ever, know any kind of scripture, go to a bible study, or even know who He is, or no matter if you EVER come back to Him, He still has an amazing love for you because love is who He IS. it isn't want He "does" or how He acts when He wants to, or because you were "good." no. it's because Love is who He is. God is Love.

once we as humans beings to understand that, we won't have to try and force ourselves to "be obedient" it will just naturally flow out of us. it will naturally flow from this immense love that is shared between creation and it's Creator.