Thursday, February 21, 2013


haven't written in a super long time. sorry.

i have been struggling with something. not really financially (which i kind of am), or with friends, or relationships or whatnot, but with something that i am not sure if i am going to be able to describe.

i don't know how to balance.

i need to learn the trick of balancing my christian walk with my regular day life. or let's go even further and saying, living out my christian walk, just by walking. does that make sense? i have noticed in the past year that when i get super into God, for example not being able to talk about anything else, or just reading books or reading the bible or almost seculding myself from the world just to spend more time with Him, I almost lose sight of Him and become depressed. it is an odd feeling. but when i am walking my life and barely read books or the bible, and just talk with Him once or twice a day and move on my merry way, i feel like im not being a "good christian" by not "spending time with Him" or challenging myself in a deeper level.

does anyone else go through this? or is going through this? what is wisdom that i can take from someone else concerning this?

1 comment:

  1. Yess but that's the thing about being a Christian. The only path you walk is The Path and your only strut is your God-walk.
    I'm not sure of who the quote is from but:
    Those who are depressed live in the past
    Those who are anxious live in the future
    Live in this moment and you will find peace

    It is not to set aside time to spend with Him but to spend every moment with Him and allow his light to shine in every corner of your life

    ... and the financial stuff probably helps along the anxiety. Do not forget He will give you everything you need.
