Friday, September 20, 2013

secret to being happy.

today, i learned the secret to becoming happy.

first...let me just preface this, this is a theory. and if it doesn't work for you, i am sorry. it worked for me, so i want to challenge everyone to try this, and see if it happens for them. if you want to take this on, and let me know how it worked for you, that would be exciting and make me even happier (i'll explain in a little bit about how it will make me happier!)

okay. so, you know those days when you wake up late? like, 12 o clock afternoon kind of late? only to realize you have so much to accomplish in the day, and not enough time to fully complete it? or! you wake up and you don't have anything to do that day, so you lay around the house, watch t.v. attempt to be productive, only to find yourself playing candy crush on your phone and watching 10 episodes of new girl on the couch?

i know after i have experienced both of those situations in the last few days, i can attest that one day feels much better than the other. and i tried something on purpose to see if it made a difference.

it did.

yesterday: i worked for a few hours, and got off around noon. i came home and became lazy. and ended up watching 8 episodes of new girl on netflix and playing candy crush for almost 5 hours straight. by the end of the day (when i was going to bed) i realized i accomplished nothing. i barely spoke to anyone that day, and actually felt quite depressed when laying in bed.

today: i woke up around 12:30 and realized i needed to do almost 10 hours of homework and complete by sunday. this seems like appropriate time right? wrong. i am going to raleigh tomorrow to see a concert, and wont be back until sunday afternoon/night. its due by sunday at midnight. so, i go to PCJ downtown and get about half the work done, only to have my computer plug fall out and i lost all my homework. i felt a bit depressed and angry. almost the same feeling i had last night as i was crawling into bed.

the difference is: today, i decided that instead of being angry about my bad situation, i decided to go through my news feed on facebook (study break), and compliment everyone i saw that had something exciting happen in their life. i also decided to tell friends that i loved them and how much i appreciated them. and just, give some sort of encouragement for random people on facebook.

after i did this, i found myself laughing and excited for others when they had good news happen in their life, even after something bad happened in mine, and i feel disconnected from the world because on days like today, i feel like i have no friends.

basically what i am stating in my theory is that, when you feel depressed, or disconnected from the world, it's not because the world hates you, or is trying to push you away. it's because sometimes in order to feel loved, or feel happy, you need to put a little effort into the love or happiness.

this goes with the idea that, the amount of love you receive from the world, is equal to the amount of love that you put in. more love=more happiness.

it almost goes hand in hand with Christ. i mean, God is ALWAYS wanting to give us love! but sometimes, in order for us to receive it, we need to come to him.

now don't get me wrong. God's love is not like a vending machine. He is always always always giving love, but in order for US to RECEIVE it (or want to receive it, and feel it) sometimes, we need to work on our relationship with Him, and come to Him, to FEEL it. does that make sense?

however, my whole life i expected love to just come to me, and for me to be happy from that.

NO! wrong! ugh!

however, i am so happy to new discover this. and i want to be happier, when i hear that YOU experienced more happiness from doing this!!

go try it! when you feel weird, or like you don't have friends, or like you aren't happy about a current situation, reach out to others! go LOOKING for people to talk about happiness in their life, and get excited about their successes! OR! just compliment someone. throwing out compliments and encouragement makes you feel like, a thousand times better.

if it doesn't work, come to me and we will get you a counselor and figure out what the deeper issue is going on with you. :)


1 comment:

  1. Agreed! I love reading your blogs Annie! Very encouraging, and inspirational. You are a blessed young woman and so much going for you. God has a wonderful plan for you, and I cannot wait to see that unfold. Be happy in the Lord! Being in the Mullygrubs (feeling low)is trap that the enemy wants us to get into. Don't do it. Lately when I feel a little blue, girl I turn my music on and dance! God has brought us through a lot and I am happy He did aren't you?! Read the Amplified version of Ephesians 3:16-20! That will stir you!!
