Sunday, May 19, 2013

damaged goods.

I haven't posted on this in a while. I've been very busy with other things. But I thought I would try to keep up before sumner begins. 

Something very traumatic happened to me last week. I will never name names or call people out on my blog, but I was told recently by someone that means a lot to me that I was considered to be "damaged goods." It has been my biggest fear in life to hear those EXACT words, because that is how i have always viewed myself. And ive worked so hard on my own to try to not have people see how broken and damaged i really am. Who would want a damaged bride on their wedding night? This friend was speaking out of hurt so I forgive them, but still, anyone who hears those words, especially a woman, those tend to unfortunately stick with your mind for the rest of your life. You don't know the kind of turmoil my heart has been in just from hearing 2 small words. It has begun to wreck me. 

Today I was driving home from Charlotte for my friends wedding, and the phrase, "damaged goods....damaged goods...." Kept repeating for the following 3 hour car ride. Fortunately I serve a God who is not only my king, but my daddy. My daddy who hurts when I hurt, and when arrows are thrown at me, arrows are thrown at Him. He stopped those words before they tattooed themselves on my heart and said, "the only person who would be able to call you that is me. But I have not and will not because you ARE NOT. I call things as though they are, and you are whole. You are perfect. You are beauty. And you are Mine." 

Of course tears ran down my face as I tried to hear those words and believe them. It's so much easier to believe terrible things about yourself. Especially when you know you've done something wrong and made a huge mistake. 


His grace is sufficient above ALL things. Even my dumb mistakes. And my smart ones too. His blood is enough. His grace is enough. More than enough. 

DON'T EVER let ANYONE tell you that you are damaged goods. I don't care WHAT you have done, you are beautiful and perfect and made whole through Jesus Christ. Go to Him for your truth. For HIS words about you. Because at the judgement seat, you will not be sitting in front of your friend or boyfriend, but in front of your Creator. His words about you are all that matter.